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Photofact Set Numbers by Year

Howard W. Sams Photofact service manuals were published after World War II. The first sets were released in 1946. Each Photofact "Set" included several service "Folders" on individual models and chassis from a particular manufacturer.

To find the Photofact Set and Folder number for your particular manufacture model or chassis, use the Photofact A to Z Index by manufacture Here.
Set Number
    To     Number of Sets
That Year
Year Published
1 10 10 1946
11 30 20 1947
31 52 22 1948
53 80 27 1949
81 118 38 1950
19 154 36 1951
155 189 35 1952
190 225 36 1953
226 261 36 1954
262 301 40 1955
302 341 40 1956
342 382 41 1957
383 425 43 1958
426 468 43 1959
469 512 44 1960
513 560 48 1961
561 611 51 1962
612 671 60 1963
672 731 60 1964
732 791 60 1965
792 857 66 1966
858 929 72 1967
930 1002 73 1968
1003 1075 73 1969
1076 1149 74 1970
1150 1224 75 1971
1225 1299 75 1972
1300 1375 76 1973
1376 1453 78 1974
1454 1533 80 1975
1534 1618 85 1976
1619 1703 84 1977
1704 1788 85 1978
1789 1873 85 1979
1874 1958 85 1980
1959 2044 85 1981
2045 2129 85 1982
2130 2214 85 1983
2215 2299 85 1984
2300 2385 85 1985
2386 2470 85 1986
2471 2555 85 1987
2556 2642 87 1988
2643 2730 88 1989
2731 2820 90 1990
2821 2916 96 1991

Photofact A to Z Index by Manufacture

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